Sunday, September 14, 2008


Mason started walking last Thursday.  He has such a proud look on his face while he's moving.  I love watching him walk like he's tipsy but it makes me very nervous with our tile floors.  He already had his first real fall but I'm sure this curious, busy and fearless little man has a lot more crashes in store.  
Mason's words of choice these days are Mama, Dada, up (he crawls to the bottom of the stairs and looks at me saying "up"), and he says "more" (without the "r" sound) when he wants more food. He also claps when he wants more food.  He is trying to use the sign language I am teaching him but he gets it confused with clapping.  
We are having so much fun!
Enjoy the video of him walking.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

{eleven months}

Mason is 11 months today!  He is a very active boy and keeps us on our toes.  He loves clapping (which is also his way of signing "more"), dancing, climbing everything and is close to walking.  His latest trick is standing up, clapping and then falling down.  He smiles with such pride.  He is very curious and loves discovering new things.  He never stops moving (he's even busy in his sleep)!  I don't know when babies start having good and bad dreams but I think he has started having them.  Sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night, sits up, claps and then falls down and goes back to sleep.  Other times he wakes up crying and needing to cuddle. 
I am loving this age!